Know About The Workout Schedules: Weekly Samples for Each Fitness Level

Nov 21, 2023 By Madison Evans

Having a weekly training schedule will help you stay consistent and keep moving closer to your fitness objectives, regardless of how experienced you are at the gym or how inexperienced you are. Furthermore, even if life occasionally interferes with your planned exercise regimen, sticking to a weekly routine can assist fitness become embedded in your lifestyle.

What should your weekly exercise schedule at the gym entail? That response, however, will differ depending on the individual. Let's look at some example exercise plans to help you develop a more active and healthy lifestyle tailored to each fitness level.

How Often Should You Work Out Each Week?

Workout frequency per week is determined by several factors, including fitness objectives, degree of fitness, schedule, ability to recuperate, and exercise style. It's generally recommended to strive for three to five workouts every week. Start three days a week for novices to let the body adjust gradually, limiting fatigue and lowering the chance of injury.

Four to five weekly sessions may benefit intermediate persons, focusing on different muscle groups or combining different training styles. An advanced fitness fanatic may perform five to six weight training sessions, cardio, and rest. But leisure days are just as important. Giving muscles enough time to heal and rebuild is essential for advancement and avoiding injuries.

As a result, a training plan should incorporate one or two recovery days each week between training days. For long-term improvement and general well-being, exercise frequency and intensity must be customized to each person's fitness objectives and the body's reaction. Pay attention to your body, and change how often you work out.

Fitness Plan Example For A Week

Here you can find the fitness plan example:

Beginner Workout Schedule

For beginners, starting gradually and building a foundation is crucial. A weekly schedule might consist of:

  • Monday: 30 minutes of brisk walking or jogging
  • Tuesday: Full-body strength training (bodyweight exercises)
  • Wednesday: Rest or light yoga/stretching
  • Thursday: 20 minutes of cycling or swimming
  • Friday: Bodyweight circuit training
  • Saturday: Rest or gentle activities (hiking, walking)
  • Sunday: Rest or light yoga/stretching

Intermediate Workout Schedule

As fitness levels progress, an intermediate schedule could involve more variety and intensity:

  • Monday: Strength training (split routine - upper body)
  • Tuesday: High-intensity interval training (HIIT) or cardio workout
  • Wednesday: Active recovery - yoga or low-impact exercise
  • Thursday: Strength training (split routine - lower body)
  • Friday: Cardio session (running, cycling, or dance workouts)
  • Saturday: Active rest - light hiking or recreational sports
  • Sunday: Rest or flexibility-focused workout

Advanced Workout Schedule

For those at an advanced fitness level, a more challenging and diverse weekly schedule might include:

  • Monday: Heavy resistance training (powerlifting or advanced weightlifting)
  • Tuesday: High-intensity interval training (HIIT) or plyometrics
  • Wednesday: Active recovery - yoga, pilates, or mobility work
  • Thursday: Hypertrophy-focused strength training (bodybuilding-style)
  • Friday: Cross-training or varied cardio (rowing, boxing, or cycling)
  • Saturday: Advanced workout challenge (functional training, obstacle course, or advanced sport)
  • Sunday: Rest or active recovery - light stretching or mobility exercises

How To Stick To Your Workout Routine?

For beginners, turning working out into a habit involves establishing a consistent routine and overcoming initial barriers. Start by setting achievable and specific goals, making the workout sessions manageable and enjoyable. Begin with small steps, committing to a realistic workout schedule that aligns with your lifestyle. Consistency is key; aim for regularity rather than intensity in the initial stages.

Create accountability by finding a workout buddy or joining group classes, providing support and motivation. Incorporate variety into workouts to keep them interesting and prevent monotony. Additionally, make the process enjoyable by selecting activities that you genuinely like. Celebrate milestones and progress, rewarding yourself for sticking to the routine.

Establishing a routine by linking workouts with a specific time or associating them with other daily habits can solidify the practice. Lastly, be patient and forgiving with yourself. Acknowledge that forming a habit takes time, and occasional missed workouts are natural. The focus should be on consistency and gradual progress rather than perfection.

Is Everyday Workout Bad?

Working out can lead to potential issues without adequate rest and recovery. While daily exercise can be beneficial, the body needs time to repair and rebuild muscles. Insufficient recovery from overtraining can lead to burnout, exhaustion, heightened risk of injury, and reduced performance.

Variety in workouts is crucial to avoid overuse injuries and muscle fatigue. It is possible to avoid putting undue load on particular muscle groups by combining several exercise modalities, such as strength training, cardiovascular, flexibility, and therapeutic sessions. Strategic planning is essential.

Implementing active recovery days, where lighter activities or stretching precedes intense workouts, can help maintain momentum while allowing the body to recuperate. Moreover, quality sleep, proper nutrition, and hydration play significant roles in supporting recovery. Working out can be suitable if the intensity, duration, and variety of exercises are well-managed, ensuring adequate rest days are included in the routine.

Mistakes To Avoid On The 7 Day Workout Plan

When following a 7-day workout plan, several common mistakes can hinder progress and potentially lead to setbacks. One crucial error is neglecting adequate rest. Muscle development and repair can be hampered by overtraining or not providing enough time to recuperate between exercises.

Another mistake is the need for more variety. Failing to incorporate diverse exercises targeting different muscle groups can lead to plateaus and reduced effectiveness of the workout plan. A well-rounded routine should include strength training, cardiovascular exercises, flexibility work, and therapeutic sessions. Poor form during exercises is a significant pitfall. Incorrect technique compromises the workout's effectiveness and raises the risk of injury.

Therefore, proper form and technique are crucial for maximizing results and preventing injuries. Lastly, neglecting proper nutrition and hydration is a common mistake. Fueling the body with the right nutrients and staying hydrated is essential for optimal performance, muscle recovery, and overall health during a workout regimen.


Establishing a consistent workout routine is pivotal for fitness progression. Regardless of your fitness level, designing a weekly exercise plan tailored to your abilities and objectives is crucial. Whether you're a beginner, intermediate, or advanced enthusiast, a structured regimen ensures gradual growth and prevents setbacks.

The key components are setting achievable goals, incorporating variety, and allowing adequate rest. Anyone can craft a sustainable fitness routine by forming habits, celebrating progress, and avoiding common workout mistakes. Listen to your body, be patient with yourself, and let fitness become an enjoyable lifestyle, leading to better health and well-being.